Microsoft FrontPage Keyboard Shortcuts - function keys |
Opens the FrontPage Answer Wizard/FrontPage Help (normally at the right of your screen). |
F1 |
Rename the currently selected file when in the Folder List. |
F2 |
Find the next occurrence of the most recent search. |
F3 |
Refreshes the current window. Same as
in the Formatting Toolbar. |
F5 |
Moves among panes in FrontPage. |
F6 |
Spelling |
F7 |
Find the previous occurrence of the most recent search. |
Shift + F3 |
Find the previous occurrence of the current selection. |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 |
Thesaurus |
Shift + F7 |
Display the Microsoft Script Editor |
Run the accessibility checker. |
F8 |
Preview the current page in a Web browser. |
F12 |
Microsoft FrontPage Keyboard Shortcuts - Alt keys |
To carry out the corresponding command on the menu.
Alt + T + R to Recalculate Hyperlinks in your FrontPage Web.
i.e., Alt + F + B + P to preview the open page in a browser.
i.e., Alt + F + N + P = File, New, Page |
+ underlined letter in a menu |
Displays the current window's system menu. This is the same as left clicking on the FrontPage application icon at the top left of the application window. |
+ Space Bar |
Displays a selected items properties. For example, select a link and then press Alt + Enter. This will bring up the link properties dialog box so that you can edit the hyperlink. |
+Enter |
Displays a list of open application windows. Keeping Alt depressed and selecting Tab cycles through the list. Releasing selects the highlighted application window. |
+ Tab |
The Application key has an image of a mouse
pointer on a menu (between the Alt and Ctrl keys ( )
to the right of your Space Bar). Depressing this key will display the
selected item's shortcut window. This is the menu that is displayed by right-clicking. |
Alt Ctrl |
Quit Microsoft FrontPage. |
+ F4 |
Move through open dialog boxes. |
Alt+F6 |
Move through open dialog boxes in reverse order. |
Alt+Shift+F6 |
Undo an action. (Same as CTRL+Z) |
Alt+Backspace |
Redo or repeat an action. |
Shift+Alt+Backspace |
Microsoft FrontPage Keyboard Shortcuts -
Control keys |
Show All. This icon
in your
Standard Formatting Toolbar performs the same function. This FrontPage
Keyboard Shortcut is another option you'll become intimate with. While in
Normal View, the show all command will show you all ending block level
elements with a
and you'll be able to see dotted borders for <div> ,
<table> , <td> and other containing elements. |
ctrl + * |
Display HTML tags |
CTRL+/ |
Open the Start Menu (or use the Windows Key if you have one). |
ctrl+esc |
While dragging a file to create a shortcut. |
ctrl+sHift |
Toggles between open pages in the FrontPage Editor. |
ctrl+tab |
Remove Formatting - Use this command when pasting content
from Word into a new page in FP. While in Normal View, select the area you
want to remove formatting for and then Ctrl + Shift + Z to remove the
formatting. You may want to view your html just to be sure all mark-up has been
removed. Check your <head></head> for unwanted embedded styles which may occur
when pasting content that has styles applied from the source. |
ctrl+shift+z |
Select All items |
ctrl+A |
Bold - Add or remove
Bold formatting. Depending on your
configuration of FrontPage, the Ctrl + B will wrap the selected text to be
bolded in <b></b> or <strong></strong> . |
Copy (to clipboard) |
Opens Clipboard |
ctrl+c+c |
Opens the
Find what: dialog box. |
ctrl+f |
Insert Bookmark |
ctrl+g |
Find / Replace |
ctrl+h |
Italic |
Create a hyperlink |
Create a new page |
Open |
Print |
Save |
Create an Auto Thumbnail of the selected picture |
Underline |
Paste |
Close (Continuous holding closes all) |
ctrl+w |
Cut (to clipboard) |
ctrl+x |
Redo |
ctrl+y |
Undo |
Display HTML tags in Design view. |
Ctrl+/ |
Find the next occurrence of the current selection. |
Ctrl+F3 |
Close a Web page. |
Ctrl+F4 |
Find the previous occurrence of the current selection. |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 |
Preview a page in a Web browser |
Switch between open Web pages in reverse order. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab |
Display nonprinting characters. |
Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Microsoft FrontPage Keyboard Shortcuts - Other keys |
Insert a space between words. It is suggested
that you utilize Tabs (or other formatting commands) to put distance between
elements. Using the space bar to insert visual space works but would not be
considered a best practice in page design. FrontPage will normally insert a
non-breaking space ( ) for each space after the first space. Double
spaces between sentences are no longer required. This is a carryover from
the days of fixed width fonts on a typewriter such as Courier, Orator,
Prestige Elite, etc. |
Space Bar |
Pressing the Space Bar while viewing a web page
in Internet Explorer will scroll the page downwards. Shift + Space Bar will
scroll the page upwards. |
Space Bar |
Creates a new Paragraph
<p> ( ) or
what is referred to as a Hard Return in
traditional desktop publishing. In any dialog box a selected button or
command can be selected by depressing this key. Selected buttons can be
recognized by their darker (dotted) borders, or what is referred to as Focus. |
Enter |
Creates a new Line Break <br> ( ) or what is referred to as a Soft Return in traditional desktop publishing. |
Shift + Enter |
Shift + Arrow Up, Down, Left or Right. Position your cursor at the beginning of the area you wish to highlight for copying. Now use the up, down, left or right arrow keys to select areas of content to be highlighted, copied, pasted, etc. |
Shift + Arrow |
While working with text and/or other elements, use the Backspace key to delete characters and/or elements to the left of the insertion point. |
Backspace |
Depress and hold the Ctrl key as you select Home to go to the first line of a document. Press just the Home key to go to the beginning of a selected line. |
Home |
Use the Page Up key to move up one full screen on a page. This works in any view. |
Page Up |
While working with text, use this key to delete characters to the right of the insertion point. This key can also be used to delete selected files. Delete a Web page or folder in the Folder List or any dialog box. |
Delete |
Depress and hold the Ctrl key as you select End to go to the last line of a document. Press just the End key to go to the end of a selected line. |
End |
Use the Page Down key to move down one full screen on a page. This works in any view. |
Page Down |
Navigate in a document to the line above. Hold the Ctrl key down as you press this key to move to the beginning of the second line above. |
Up Arrow |
Navigate in a document one character to the right. Hold the Ctrl key down as you press this key to move one word to the right. |
Right Arrow |
Navigate in a document to the line below. Hold the Ctrl key down as you press this key to move to the beginning of the second line below. |
Down Arrow |
Navigate in a document one character to the left. Hold the Ctrl key down as you press this key to move one word to the left. |
Left Arrow |
Shortcut keys for
working with pages |
Refresh a Web page; refresh the Folder List. |
F5 |
Check spelling on a Web page. |
F7 |
Run the accessibility checker. |
F8 |
Create a new Web page. |
Ctrl+N |
Open a Web page. |
Ctrl+O |
Close a Web page. |
Ctrl+F4 |
Save a Web page. |
Ctrl+S |
Print a Web page. |
Ctrl+P |
Switch between open Web pages. |
Ctrl+TAB |
Preview a Web page in a Web browser. |
Ctrl+Shift+B |
Quit Microsoft FrontPage. |
Alt+F4 |
Display nonprinting characters. |
Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Display HTML tags in Design view. |
Ctrl+ / |
Find text or HTML on a Web page. |
Ctrl+F |
Replace text or HTML on a Web page. |
Ctrl+H |
Look up a word in the thesaurus. |
Shift+F7 |
Cancel an action. |
Undo an action. |
Ctrl+Z or Alt+BACKSPACE |
Redo or repeat an action. |
Ctrl+Y or Shift+Alt+BACKSPACE |
Delete a Web page or folder in the Folder List or any dialog box. |
Move up one level. |
Shortcut keys for
accessing and using views |
Preview the current page in a Web browser. |
F12 |
Move between Code, Design, Split, and Preview views. |
Ctrl+PAGE DOWN or Ctrl+PAGE UP |
Move between Code and Design panes in Split view. |
Show or hide the Folder List. |
Alt+F1 |
Move through hyperlink nodes in Hyperlinks view. |
In Hyperlinks view, move through hyperlink nodes. |
Expand the current node and move to the right in Hyperlinks view. |
Expand the current node and move to the left in Hyperlinks view. |
Shortcut keys for
formatting text and Paragraphs |
Change the font (Beware - the font may not exist on the end-user's computer!). |
Ctrl+Shift+F. |
Change the font size. |
Ctrl+Shift+P. |
Bold. |
Ctrl+B. |
Underline (avoid - will look like a hyperlink). |
Ctrl+U. |
Italic. |
Ctrl+I. |
Superscript. |
Subscript. |
Copy formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+C. |
Paste formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+V. |
Remove manual formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+SPACE. |
Centre paragraph. |
Ctrl+E. |
Left align paragraph. |
Ctrl+L. |
Right align paragraph. |
Ctrl+R. |
Indent from left - Blockquote. |
Ctrl+M. |
Remove Indent from left - Remove Blockquote. |
Ctrl+Shift+M. |
Apply style. |
Ctrl+Shift+S. |
Apply the Normal style. |
Ctrl+Shift+N. |
Apply the Heading 1 style. |
Ctrl+Alt+1. |
Apply the Heading 2 through 6 style. |
Ctrl+Alt+2 through 6. |
Apply the "list" style. |
Ctrl+Shift+L. |
In the More Colors dialog box, activate the colour picker. Note: Shift +TAB should activate, in order: Cancel, OK, Select, Custom, Value, and then the colour picker. |
Shift+TAB. |
Use the colour picker (follow the instructions for the previous entry first). |