Summary of Content |
![]() |
1. Insert the following code into the <head> section of your page |
<style type="text/css"> #dhtmlfloatie{ position: absolute; left: 0; left: -900px; filter:alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity:0; color:navy; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:11pt; border: 2px solid navy; padding: 5px; z-index: 100; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Link Floatie script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code ***********************************************/ var floattext=new Array() floattext[0]='● <a href="">Free JavaScripts</a><br>- <a href="">JavaScript Tutorials</a><br>- <a href="">DHTML/ CSS Tutorials</a><br>- <a href="">JavaScript Reference</a><br><div align="right"><a href="javascript:hidefloatie()">Hide Box</a></div>' floattext[1]='Some other floatie text' var floatiewidth="250px" //default width of floatie in px var floatieheight="60px" //default height of floatie in px. Set to "" to let floatie content dictate height. var floatiebgcolor="lightyellow" //default bgcolor of floatie var fadespeed=70 //speed of fade (5 or above). Smaller=faster. var baseopacity=0 function slowhigh(which2){ imgobj=which2 browserdetect=which2.filters? "ie" : typeof"string"? "mozilla" : "" instantset(baseopacity) highlighting=setInterval("gradualfade(imgobj)",fadespeed) } function instantset(degree){ cleartimer() if (browserdetect=="mozilla") else if (browserdetect=="ie") imgobj.filters.alpha.opacity=degree } function cleartimer(){ if (window.highlighting) clearInterval(highlighting) } function gradualfade(cur2){ if (browserdetect=="mozilla" &&<1), 0.99) else if (browserdetect=="ie" && cur2.filters.alpha.opacity<100) cur2.filters.alpha.opacity+=10 else if (window.highlighting) clearInterval(highlighting) } function ietruebody(){ return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } function paramexists(what){ return(typeof what!="undefined" && what!="") } function showfloatie(thetext, e, optbgColor, optWidth, optHeight){ var dsocx=(window.pageXOffset)? pageXOffset: ietruebody().scrollLeft; var dsocy=(window.pageYOffset)? pageYOffset : ietruebody().scrollTop; var floatobj=document.getElementById("dhtmlfloatie")"-900px""block" optbgColor : floatiebgcolor optWidth+"px" : floatiewidth optHeight+"px" : floatieheight!=""? floatieheight : "" floatobj.innerHTML=thetext var floatWidth=floatobj.offsetWidth>0? floatobj.offsetWidth : var floatHeight=floatobj.offsetHeight>0? floatobj.offsetHeight : var winWidth=document.all&&!window.opera? ietruebody().clientWidth : window.innerWidth-20 var winHeight=document.all&&!window.opera? ietruebody().clientHeight : window.innerHeight e=window.event? window.event : e"px" if (e.clientX>winWidth-floatWidth && e.clientY+20>winHeight-floatHeight)"px" else"px" slowhigh(floatobj) } function hidefloatie(){ var floatobj=document.getElementById("dhtmlfloatie")"none" } </script> |
2. Insert the below code into the <body> section of your page |
<div id="dhtmlfloatie" ></div> <a href="#" onMouseover="showfloatie('Web coding and development forums. Get help on JavaScript, CGI, PHP, CSS, and more.', event)" onMouseout="hidefloatie()">Coding Forums</a> | <a href="#" onMouseover="showfloatie(floattext[0], event, '#D9FFD9', 250, 100)">JavaScript Kit</a> |
As shown in the sample code of Step 2, to add a floatie to a link, just add the following inside the link's tag: onMouseover="showfloatie('link text here', event)" onMouseout="hidefloatie()"However, showfloatie() in fact supports 3 additional parameters to allow you to modify the background color and dimensions of that particular floatie instance. Below describes showfloatie() in its entirety: showfloatie() functionshowfloatie('link_text', event, 'optional_bgcolor', optional_width, optional_height) As mentioned, the last 3 parameters are all optional. Here are a few sample callings: 1) showfloatie('<p>Some text</p>', event, 'lightblue') 2) showfloatie(floattext[0], event, '', 300, 200) 3) showfloatie('<b>I\'m the king of the world!</b>', event) The 2nd example shows how you can pass in a variable containing the desired text as the 1st parameter instead of the actual text. Do this if your text content is long, as using a variable is more reliable as far as avoiding syntax errors. The 3rd example shows that if your text contains apostrophes, you'll need to backslash them (ie: I\'m). Creating a floatie that doesn't disappear onMouseoverYou can create a floatie that isn't automatically dismissed onMouseout, so to create a "information box" so to speak. Simply remove the onMouseover portion of the code. For your floatie text, you'll want to add a "Close box" link:<a href="javascript:hidefloatie()">Hide Box</a> This is illustrated in the code of Step 1. |
Hyperlink titles have been abbreviated, (right click on the link and select properties for the full URL)
Double mouse click anywhere on the page to take you back to the top (except when over the links)
Last Update: 17/01/2008 - Javascript - Floating Popup on MouseOver - Neils Resource Web